2011年7月22日 星期五

立足台灣, 放眼天下!! 美國低軌道衛星公司Orbcomm計畫投資台灣

個人以前曾經與美國及加拿大的航太工業以及大陸的航天部門有所業務往來. 許多年前也曾企圖結合台灣民間工業勢力創立中華民國航太工業同業公會, 可惜進行過程中與政府部門的一些人有利益上的矛盾, 因而停頓了. 多年以後, 台灣的航太工業水平與產業勢力已經大幅落後韓國, 個人認為是主事者或許只是想賺取代理商佣金的短期利潤而已, 並沒有打算將此一工業技術生根於台灣.

個人在 2005年從事台灣的低軌道衛星商業應用計畫,當時曾到美國 Orbcomm拜訪了總裁 Marc Eisenberg 先生,在他的協助下獲取十多項的商業應用技術資源。如今欣聞低軌道衛星商業應用終於可在台灣、中國 及東南亞開展,特向Orbcomm C.E.O. Marc Eisenberg 祝賀,並為當今台灣的政府有此遠見而喝采 !

Eisenberg 是德裔的美國人,Eisenberg 德語的意思是 I am the mountain 。當別人的靠山需要多大的氣魄,希望台灣的政府人員亦有Marc Eisenberg 的氣魄。

美國低軌道衛星公司共發射有36顆低軌道衛星,分布在6條不同的軌道,每一條軌道各平均部屬了 6顆衛星,因此其覆蓋面遍佈全地球。在台北市的天空上隨時都有兩顆 Orbcomm 衛星俯視,北京、上海、東京、紐約、倫敦、巴黎亦然。低軌道衛星的能源是依靠太陽能,採用砷化鎵(GaAs) 技術。我訪美期間,美方技術人員特別強調衛星上的砷化鎵(GaAs) 技術屬軍事管制,此技術不允許輸出給國外。事隔六年,今欣聞台灣上市公司宏捷科、全新、台達電等漸漸具備砷化鎵(GaAs) 技術且部份已經獲得國外技術認證通過。

因此, 特記之如下:

News & Releases

Orbcomm Plans to Invest in Taiwan

Taipei, May 18, 2011 (CENS)--Orbcomm of the U.S., a leading provider of global satellite and cellular data communications solutions, has planned to set up joint venture with Taiwanese shippers for tapping the mainland Chinese and Southeast Asian markets.

The plan is a major achievement of a Taiwanese delegation, led by Christina Liu, minister of the Cabinet-level Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD), touring the U.S. to drum up investments in Taiwan. Others which have also expressed interest in Taiwan include Helios Energy and Slverstein, a participant in the reconstruction projects on the original site of New York World Trade Center. Helios is a Taiwan-Germany joint venture, specializing in green buildings. It plans to list its share on the local bourse in the near future and has selected a number of domestic enterprises, including Delta Electronics, as its partners.

Orbcomm boasts global clients of 575,000. During a visit to the company, Yang Ming Marine, a member of the Taiwanese delegation, expressed high interest in its satellite monitoring and temperature control plan and both sides may enter a strategic alliance.

In its cooperation with Taiwanese firms, Orbcomm may be interested not only in the joint development of global satellite positioning system but also in the establishment of joint venture to tap the mainland Chinese and southeast Asian markets.

A number of other U.S. firms have also expressed interest in investing in Taiwan, especially in view of the advantages of the cross-Taiwan Strait Economic Cooperation Agreement and the cut on business income tax. They include Antronix, the third largest cable-TV component supplier in the U.S. and MTV, which has 500 million family subscribers worldwide. (by Philip Liu)

以上請參考 http://www.ey.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=81125&ctNode=1334&mp=1

Diagram of a Pegasus Rocket
(Orbcomm 利用天馬火箭 Pegasus Rocket 發射低軌道衛星)



May 23, 2011

ORBCOMM, Taiwan's Council for Economic Planning and Development Team Sign Cooperation Agreement

By Jyothi Shanbhag
TMCnet Contributor

Global satellite data communications company ORBCOMM (News - Alert) Inc. has inked Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Taiwan’s Council for Economic Planning and Development to focus on in its plans to enter the Taiwan market through partnership with local telecommunications and shipping companies. With the potential IT growth in Taiwan, various companies are stepping in to the market to grow their businesses in South Asia.

According Marc Eisenberg, ORBCOMM’s Chief Executive Officer, their company sees the potential to grow their business by establishing close partnerships with local Taiwanese companies within the maritime and shipping industry as they expand their satellite-based Automatic Identification System (AIS) service and the recently acquired StarTrak’s products and services for the refrigerated transport market.

ORBCOMM is planning to hire an operational Taiwan-based representative in the next coming months as a result of this cooperative agreement.

“We are pleased to sign this MOU as a next step in the ongoing discussions we have shared with ORBCOMM over the past several months,” stated Dr. Christina Liu, Taiwan’s Minister of the Council for Economic Planning and Development.

Liu said that they are looking forward to cooperate with and assisting ORBCOMM in its efforts to invest in its business expansion in Taiwan and many other countries throughout Asia. “The response to ORBCOMM’s M2M products and services from our business community has been tremendous,” Liu added.

Christian Allred, Senior Vice President of International at ORBCOMM said that Taiwan is uniquely positioned to provide the low-cost development and manufacturing of such a device and has an identifiable need by potential Taiwan companies for this type of versatile product.

Many Taiwan companies have approached ORBCOMM to have discussions for joint development of multi-mode hardware solutions that could include integrating GSM, Zigbee, RFID, and other technologies into an ORBCOMM-enabled device due to the growing desire of customers looking to deploy a global solution.

ORBCOMM is headquartered in Fort Lee, New Jersey and has its network control center in Dulles, Virginia.

Jyothi Shanbhag is a contributing editor for TMCnet. To read more of Jyothi's articles, please visit her columnist page.
Edited by Rich Steeves


